Monday, February 28, 2011

who is my shelter?

I received "Who is my Shelter?" by Neta Jackson from  Shelter is the 4th book in the  House of Hope series, which is a spin-off series of the Yada Yada Prayer Group books.  The main character of the series is Gabby Fairbanks, a niave and wealthy woman from Virginia who moves with her "old money" husband to Chicago.  Her husband starts a business there, while she starts to work for a homeless shelter as an activity director.  In the first book her husband takes the children back to Virginia without telling her and kicks Gabby and her mother out of the house, putting them in said homeless shelter.  This fourth book is about Gabby and Philip, her husband, and her choices.  Gabby has also, during this series, been putting together the House of Hope.  A type of half-way house for homeless single moms and their children.  This book covers the bringing up of that home. 
My opinion......well for starters I'd like to say that I am totally in love with the Yada Yada Prayer Group series.  It does top the House of Hope series by far and I couldn't wait to get the next one.  The House of Hope series is good.  Really good.  Just not as good.  The problem is that I don't like Gabby very much.  She's kinda spoiled and sometimes I just can't figure out how she keeps on living.  But as the series grows, so does Gabby.  This is the best book of the series.  She has come into her own.  She also has some tough choices to make in this book; ones that I know I wouldn't want to have to make.  Well worth the read.

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