"Freedom's Ring" by Heidi Chiavaroli is a historical fiction work that follows a ring at two different periods in American history. It follows Liberty Chapwell, an American working for two British officers as a maid while her brother, James, is involved in the beginnings of the American revolution. She falls in love with one of them only to have the other rape her resulting in pregnancy. Following the rape she takes the officers' money and a ring from the one who she fell for. The two officers are shipped out and she is left alone. The story follows Liberty through her life as she comes in contact again and again with the ring as well as the officer.
It also follows Anna, in 2015. Anna is a victim of the Boston bombings and is suffering from PTSD. A Red Sox fan helps her during the bombing, then gives her a ring, Liberty's ring. Anna later finds her Red Sox fan and the two go on a quest to find the story of the ring. They seek to find Liberty's story.
This is an interesting novel. I like how the author blends the two time periods together, back and forth, building up the story of the ring. She keeps the two female leads' characters very different while still keeping them parallel. I would recommend this book to history buffs as well as anyone just looking for a good story. I received this book from Tyndale Publishing.
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