My grandfather served in Burma during WWII. He served with the 13th Mountain Medical as a vet assistant. I have been researching and writing about his experience there. I thought learning about the culture of Burma would be interesting during Culture month. So, I started looking into more of the current culture rather 1940s jungle during war time. Which is really nothing close to the same thing.
For my investigation into Burma, I read "Miss Burma" which is about the 1940s on, but more about the culture living during that time. There is little military connection other than Burma is military ran, so of course, it would be connected in that way. I also watched several You tube videos and Great Courses. The CG was about the education system. The American Quakers and the Burmese Budhist are united in the creating and continuing the education system in Myanmar (Burma's current name). I watched Exploring Myanmar Culture in Yangon, and Timeline. One was about the culture in the cities and the other was jungle tribes especially along the Burma Road. The two cultures are very different. I also watched one on street food in Burma.
There wasn't much in podcasts that was related other than I found one of a guy traveling my motorcycle. Probably wouldn't want to do that.
Learning about Burmese culture has helped quite a bit with my book about my grandfather. Many situations have come up that explains things. Especially the jungle/city differences.
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