January was the month of Math and Philosophy. I work as an office administrator so I do math all day. I do data, data analysis, your basic accounting, etc. So math was pretty much as boring as I expected it to be. Philosophy I knew almost nothing about. I thought it was something people said to sound smart, cultured. I found it a lot more compelling than that. Though still true.
I read books, listened to podcasts, watched videos, did crash courses that are available online through my library, and did some activities like I played some Yahtzee, because math or philosophy field trips are hard to come by. I read Danica McKellar's "Kiss my Math" and brushed up on my algebra. It came back to me pretty quick. I also read "Hidden Figures" which talked a lot about math and the value of it in technology and science. I know more about airplane wings than I ever thought I would. I read a couple of books not so much on philosophy but about philosophers. Steve Martin's "I was Born Standing Up"(he studied philosophy for several years in college) and "Gandhi and the Unspeakable" which is about the movement of Gandhi leading to his death. All were educational.
Podcasts were a bit short in supply on both subjects. Danica McKellar (she's about the only entertainment mathematician I could find) was a guest on several. I listened to her talk about stereotypes, women and their education pertaining to money, and math anxiety. Deepak, the granddaddy of modern spiritualism, has a podcast on Amazon, "Infinite Potential" which I listened to regularly.
Videos were mostly on Crash Courses which I borrowed from my local library through Hoopla. Crash Courses has dozens of topics with college instructors teaching in university style classes. I watched "Math & Magic" (not so fun) and "Mind, Body, & Consciousness" and "Confucius." Most stuff available is modern pop education. I wanted some classical so I went with Confucius. Even though I have a bachelor's degree, I knew little about him. I mean I knew 'Man who goes to bed with itchy butt, wakes up with smelly fingers'. But that usually doesn't leave the cultured impressed.
In an attempt to discover myself, I am taking a study on Marianne Williamson's "Course in Weight loss." I am doing monthly servitude to give to my community. This month I bought chili at the local animal shelters fundraiser and I donated to the same shelter on Betty White's birthday. I donated to a woman who died from Covid's funeral costs. She had been my friend at one time. I also babysat my son's dog for the weekend.
Once a month I will eat some exotic type food. This month I had some Japanese egg dish. It was fine, but it is hard to find Japanese ingredients in this neck of the woods. I took some time for self-care. A storm and a covid exposure quarintine helped with that.
Anyway....I found the month an educational and interesting experience. Hopefully February will be as fascinating.