Monday, April 27, 2020

cuz the preacher told me to

My church has not been meeting due to the state of Kansas being shut down.  Instead our preacher has been doing some videos on Facebook.  Some of his videos are a couple of minutes, just a magic trick or something(he's a professional clown).  Usually on Sundays he does one a little longer with a message and visuals.  This Sunday he said something about how we don't write when we meet together in church, we just talk, or sing, or hug or give.  He said we should write in a journal.  This is kinda like a journal.  Here goes.
Since the shut down has started I have probably been "going" to church more now than I ever did.  Before I went to my local church on Sundays.  I read a devotional and Upper room every morning or so.  That's about it.  Since then I have severely upped my religious game.  I now virtually attend a neighboring town's worship service that meets live on FB.  I also watch the videos from my own pastor.  I watch another church that is much larger in Texas on occasion.  I still do the morning devotionals, but also do a couple of scripture readings when I get to work as well.  I DVR Joyce Meyer everyday.  I can't help but feel like all of this down time is for our own good.  That we were getting out of hand, so God pulled the proverbial plug and is now counting to 30.  The typical reset to anything that has frozen up and won't respond.  Not that God plans pandemics, but you know.  silver linings and all.  I don't miss most of the usual extras.  The meetings, the games, the whatever.  I miss sports on TV.  I miss family get-togethers.  The rest can stay gone. 

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