Friday, January 15, 2021

Proverbs 31 day 4

 She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands.  Proverbs 31:13

To be grateful for everything.  My favorite part of the lesson was being thankful for projectile vomiting.  Now that's one I had never thought of.  I suppose vomit from the top bunk would fall into a thankful category as well.  I am thankful that the vomit that landed on so many things means that I have (had) so many things for the vomit to fall on and that when they were thrown away ( yes, I threw them away I didn't clean them)  that I could replace the toys, clothes, whatever.  I have children in which to do the vomiting.  Thank you.  

Attitude towards work:  I work with/for my husband.  Sometimes that's not as glamorous as it seems.  When he needs to unload, he unloads on me.  Whether we are in public or not.  I however, am not allowed to do the same.  And really, I shouldn't though.  (neither should he)  However, we are never alone.  We are always around someone.  There really is no "time" to have a knock down drag out fight.  That is something I am going to need to work on.  

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