"Miss Burma" is a novel written by Charmaine Craig, that takes place in Burma (currently known as Myanmar) between pre-WWII and the 1960s. It follows the Benison family: the mother a Karen (a Burmese tribe) from Burma and the father an Anglo-Indian who has lived his life in Rangoon.
Now most Americans probably know little about Burma other than it's in Asia. My grandfather was stationed there so I have done some research and know probably more than most Americans, but that's not to say I know much. I found this trip into the history and culture of Burma to be fascinating. I loved this book. The mixed race couple have four children that they raise in a society where they are not only mixed, but minorities and are considered "foreign" even though their father has lived his whole life in that country. It follows the war with Japan, the British control, the Burman overtake, the constant fighting between the tribes and races. Plus it has the universal human factor including love, betrayal, sex, parenting and plain old self esteem. It is truly a wonderful book.
I received this book from www.netgalley.com in exchange for my honest opinion and review.
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