Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Food Body Image Day 3

Negative Talk:
There's really no point, it won't work.
No one is looking anyway.
No one cares.
Too old

Everything takes time.  It took a lot of time to gain this and it is the result of a lot of trauma.  The things that happened to result in this are bigger than a eating problem.  You did what you could when you could.  Now you are doing this.  It will take time to learn. 
No one may be looking, but so what.  What does it matter what anyone thinks.
You care.  You need to be aware of your health and make it a priority. 
Caring for yourself will result in better relationships.  They may need to take a cut in "their" wants and time, but the quality will be better.  Some of these people need to take care of themselves anyway.
You are not a pig, you just know good food when you taste it. 
You are not disgusting.  These are things people told you to gain control over you to better themselves.  They are weak.  You are not. 

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