Friday, May 10, 2013

marriage vow

"The Ultimate Marriage Vow: 21 Days of a Life-Long Commitment" by Darlene Schacht with Lisa Jacobson might seem like a backward, throwback how-to-please-your-man kind of book that would have been written in the 1950's, however, this is a timeless how-to book on marriage and what it means for both the couple and their relationship with God.  The book consists of 21 days of devotion with a daily quote, story (essay?), scripture, vow of the day, and day's challenge. 
Not only did I read it, I did it.  I think it helped my marriage a lot.  My husband noticed the difference without my telling him I was doing it.  It does not encourage disrespect to the wife or enforcing her unimportance, rather just a how to get along with a man, who is only a man.  It really could be used with any couple living together, it same sex, a pair of sisters, roommates, and not just a man and a woman.  It proposes respect in living together and how God wants us to treat other people.  I like this, I didn't think I would, honestly.  But I do.  I received this book from

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