"Critical Reaction" by Todd M. Johnson is a legal thriller along the lines of a Grisham novel. Hanford Nuclear Facility is a large compound that used to make weapons of the plutonium variety during the Cold War. Kieran and Poppy are workers that were both on duty during the explosion that caused some sort of contamination to the two men. Both have long term health problems, both are looking for answers, and both are getting nothing from the company contracted to maintain the facility. Kieran hires his college buddy, Emily Hart and her father to represent him in court and try to get justice.
Though Johnson may not be in the same ball park as Grisham, he is definitely in the same league. Not only does he dive into the legal aspects and conspiracies, but he also depicts the father/daughter relationship and the aspect of having a parent die the slow and painful death of cancer. I loved the dynamic between Emily and Ryan, her dad. The ups and downs were true to life and well written. Good book. A- I received this book for free from Bethany House in exchange for a review.
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