"Rules of Murder" by Julianna Deering is a murder mystery that takes place in 1930's England society. When Drew Farthering comes home to his country estate his mother throws a party for her society friends (and a few enemies) and winds up dead along with a certain dastardly guest. Drew and Madeline, his step-father's niece from America, play detective and try to find the killer(s?).
In the beginning, Deering goes overboard on trying to sound "society" with an abundance of 'my boy' and 'if you please', etc. I did a lot of eye rolling at first. It takes quiet a little reading to quit noticing. The story doesn't catch right away, but when the Americans show up, the story gets rolling. Following the arrival of the Americans, Deering drops one unexpected plot surprise after another. The characters start to grow on the reader and before you know it you don't want to put it down. Deering also covers the separation and differences in class during that time period which makes for interesting reading as well. I received this book for free from Bethany House.
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