"Red Sky at Morning" is a military thriller written by veteran, Steve Wilson. The book begins with an unarmed American plane flying through Chinese/Russian skies. The Russians then attack the plane without warning. (which was weird, cuz the next day I read in the news that the Chinese had shot at an unarmed American plane) The reader then follows the main character, a Ukrainian speaking US marine to the Ukraine to investigate not only the shooting, but also the facility that is disarming old Russian warheads. This novel is full of old Soviet Union gossip, history, and secrecy.
The book is a little difficult to get into at first. The military jargon was a little hard to read, but once the reader gets into the flow, it is no problem. The main character, Neill is easy to like; the rest of the characters are well described. It doesn't get too into the whole Russian spy thing to become unbelievable. I liked it and will be reading the next in the series.
I received this book from the author through the Goodreads website.
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