"Every Waking Moment" by Chris Fabry is a novel that takes place in a nursing home and centers around Treha, a mentally impaired housekeeping worker, and Devin, a documentary film maker, who meet and work together to tell the stories of the people who live at the nursing home. The story opens with Miriam, the administrator, retiring and being replaced by Ms. Millstone, a cranky, control freak who sucks the life out of the nursing home. Treha has physical impairments as well as social, however, she seems to have the key to unlock the minds of those patients that are trapped in their minds.
This is an incredibly well written book. Fabry brings the characters to life on an intimate level. The plot flows smoothly from one level to the next as the documentary takes shape. The chapters flow from the nursing home, to the documentary, to Devin's struggles with making the film. I give it an A. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review from Tyndale Publishing.
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