Thursday, January 19, 2012

where the boys are

I received "Boys in War" by SGT CF Higgins for free from Dorrance Publishing.  Ky, short for Kentucky, is waaaay underage for the army, yet still he finds himself in Korea fighting the North Koreans and Chinese.  Early on he had been stationed in Germany, then Korea, then Fort Cambell.  Originally he is from Kentucky of course, and he chooses the army to working in the mines.  He is scared of nothing, except the mines.  Most of the book takes place at Cambell where he meets a girl and deals with his nightmares from war.
The author of this novel is a Korean Vet and this is a fictional account of his story.  I wish more of the book took place in Korea.  It feels like I am missing something most of the book.  It also is hard to visualize and follow.  I would think that a vet, perferably a Korean one, would be able to follow and enjoy the book very much, however, having not been there it was hard to follow.  It seemed as if the author wanted to tell the story as fast as he could.  The story itself is good. 

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