Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Liberator Revew

"The Liberator: One World War II Soldier's 500-Day Odyssey from the Beaches of Sicily to the Gates of Dachau" by Alex Kershaw is the story of Felix Sparks and the 157th Infantry Regiment- Thunderbirds, journey from Italy to the concentration camp, Dauchau.  The Thunderbirds fought the longest to defeat Hitler than any other regiment in Europe.  They missed out on the headlines, but were viable to winning the war. 
The e-book follows Sparks and focuses on him as they fight. It starts with Sparks' childhood, follows through his war career, and then briefly follows his lawyer years and fight to change gun laws in Colorado.  He pushed to make it illegal for a child to carry a gun in whatever way he chooses, anywhere.   Unfortunately, Hershaw didn't get inside Sparks' persona until about a third of the way through the book.  The first third reads like a text book, very informational but not entertaining.  The rest of the book gets a little more into Sparks and becomes much more emotional.  I really liked this book.  I would recommend this book to anyone interested in WWII in any way.  I recieved this e-book for free from

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