"The Tutor's Daughter" by Julie Klassen is a novel that takes place in 1812 England. In classic Klassen style, Emma is an educated woman during a time when education on women was considered a waste of time. Emma was considered a "bluestocking". She was smart as well, and assisted her father in tutoring young men in preparation for university. At the age of 21, Emma and her father close up the school for boys and move to a manor to be the private tutor to a pair of spoiled, wealthy twins, Julian and Rowen Weston. While there Emma is surrounded in mystery, challenges, discrimination, and violence.
Klassen's books usually involve the same time period and a feminine empowerment of sorts, not typical of the time. I really enjoy Klassen and this book is no different. It is not a masterpiece, but it is a well written and enjoyable book. Emma is a clear character; Lizzie is a great contrast to Emma's straight and narrow. It is a long read, but with the mystery build, the action, and then the climax, I am not sure what could be cut out. I give it a B-. I received this book for free from Bethany House Publishers.
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