Saturday, June 15, 2013

unrivaled review

"Unrivaled" by Siri Mitchell was given to me for free from Bethany House Publishers.  The time is 1910 and Charlie and Lucy are knee deep in candy.  Charlie was abandoned by his father at the age of 7 and after living in poverty his whole life, goes to live with his father at the age of 21, discovering that his father has become a millionaire and the owner of a candy company.  Lucy is the daughter of their competitor.  The two meet and start a love/hate relationship as is typical with romance novels.  The story is fairly predictable for the most part.  There is a twist at the end that I didn't see coming.  I did like how the point of single mothers or mothers running the show due to incapability is shown throughout the novel.  The novel goes back and forth from each chapter showing the point of view of Charlie and Lucy.  I liked the Charlie viewpoint a lot better.  I wish the whole book had been told through his eyes.  I liked it, but did get a little tired of hearing about candy.  I give it a B-.

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