Thursday, June 21, 2018

In the Balance

"Physical Balance"
Physical Health achieved equilibrium would be a diet of things I love and things that make me look and feel better.  Lots of fruits and veggies, though I tire of the volume of them that is required.  I would need to include some bread and cheese to even things out and bring some enjoyment to the diet.  I have grown to enjoy physical activity more so than before.  I would need to have a balance of cardio, strength training, and yoga. 
Ideal physical well-being:  A weight that brings energy and freedom of movement.  Lack of embarrassment.  A physical aspect that would include being sick less often.

Emotional Balance
Emotional Health achieved equilibrium would include maintaining happiness and satisfaction with a lack of strong emotions.  Though to keep from experiencing strong fear and anger, it would also be difficult to achieve delight and passion.  Though I have discovered that men (I work in a male dominated field) prefer women to feel very little of anything and to basically maintain a smile with no emotion whatsoever. 

Mental Balance
Mental Health achieved equilibrium would be very similar to emotional.  There would be a lack of anxiety and depression, however, achieving that and including glee and passion would be difficult.  I would need to achieve grounding with little of any extreme. Lots of meditation would be necessary.

Spiritual Balance
This would look like a person who spends time with God and in the word daily.  This can be done with daily devotional readings, listening to music and teachings of Joyce Meyer.  I would also need to spend daily time in prayer.

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