Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Creating Space

What can I do to create some space for self-love?  Well, I am going to have to fight for it for one.  When someone has been given special treatment for a long time, equality feels like discrimination.  I imagine that is what most men feel like lately. I know that's how they felt when I was growing up in the 70's and "Women's Lib" (ooo, scary!) came to be.  What will all the men do without a woman around to take off their shoes after they get done kicking her around?  For too long I gave my husband first dibs on just about everything because it was easier.  Kind of like buying the candy when the kid just won't shut up.  Well, now we've all got a bunch of spoiled brats.  Some are younger, some are older.  The behavior is about the same.  I am trying to learn and act on something new.  Still giving my husband love and respect; but also giving myself love and respect. If the mama lion don't eat, nobody does!

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