Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Cliff?

I've been on a plateau as far as my weight loss goes.  For over two months, three really, I have been bouncing around the 36-37lb loss.  Up and down the same three pounds.  I was aware that plateaus are normal so I figured while I was at it I would dive into some other things that needed looked at.  Health wise.  I had some medical procedures done for health maintenance.  I knocked around the psychological blockages.  I even dabbled in the spiritual and borderline witchcraft stuff.  All of which was fun and effective in their own ways, but none helped with weight loss.  I have been following a "Finding Freedom" program that had me do a disorder questionnaire.  Turns out I am more than a little screwed up.  One of the things I do is I will go on an emotional binge and then to "fix" it, I will come close to starving to make it right.  Which leads to another binge, which leads to another starve.  Turns out this is an eating disorder.  I started to do some research on plateaus and on another program, "Finish Lines," I came across that this method of eating can encourage a plateau because on the starve days I don't eat enough calories (approx 700) and the binge too many(well over 2000).  I also had not lifted weights in about 3 months.  My water intake had fallen off.  These were all simple fixes, but the leveling out the emotional eating was going to take a few weeks to get straitened out.  Well, it's been about three weeks and this weigh in I finally broke the barrier!  Which is surprising since it was Thanksgiving weekend and not only was there lots of food, but lots of stress.  I think I handled the stress ok.  On the food, I made a Thanksgiving rules list and stuck to it.  Going back to tracking the next meal.  I feel better.  I don't trust it all of the way, but I do feel some relief. 

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