Thursday, November 1, 2018

pie chart

I am loving the area of results in the area of smaller clothes.  No one has noticed yet.  I don't think anyone actually looks at 45 year old women anyway, and so no one probably will notice.  I notice.  I am disliking the results of my mind control.  I feel like I am losing control a little right now.  Mother-in-law is coming this weekend, baby shower, crazy lady called and yelled on phone, and creepy guy is coming by again.  Feel like I am not keeping peace.  I am not sure what I can do.  Other than hide.  That would not be appropriate.  Hold it together till Monday I guess.  Wish husband wasn't bailing on me this weekend.  But of course that is what he usually does.  That's how he deals with the stress. 
I am thankful for the visit being short.  I am thankful that I have come together with the tools I need to handle any situation. Just wish I didn't need to put them to use quite so soon. 
I tend to put others first to the point of harming myself.  I need to put myself first in the areas that my health is at risk.  I tend to soothe myself with food.  It tends to be more acceptable to do rather than say no.  It feels like everyone is constantly wanting something.  I need to do this; need to do that.  Even the dog!  Other people's demands tend to put my health on the back burner due to the fact that they won't stop whining.  I realize I am not important to others, but I should be important to myself and I have been working on my health even though others do not like how it improaches on their desires.  I buy much healthier food now and refuse to eat out with others near as often.  I also take at least 30 minutes a day to walk whether they like it or not.  Sometimes I can't figure out why they especially care other than just to control. 

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