Wednesday, October 31, 2018

macros, smacros

So I did some steps in the Metabolism Reset Challenge and discovered that some days I am no where near the calories or grams of anything and some days I am way over the calories.  It has been pointed out on two other things I follow (CWL and an Instagram blog) that bingeing or emotional eating is bad because of .......  So when it was put in mathematical format I could see it.  I need to stop over eating some days and then trying to make up for it on others.  Weight watchers has "weekly" points for special days, but I was using them to excess and then trying to make up.  I need to make it a more balanced week.  Balance is my November word.  I am going to work on balancing my diet before I go further into why I am not losing as quickly as I would like.
Vitamins (weird outta balance thing I got going on)
food sensitivities.  I have had blood work, I think that area is fine.

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