Monday, September 10, 2018

AAAHH, the Mistakes I've Made.

We've all made mistakes.  Some of them have been doozies. They say that what people regret the most is what they didn't do.  My grandpa is in the nursing home and one of his regrets is that he didn't go to Mount Rushmore.  Now, why didn't he go?  His wife and kids did.  He could have gone at any time.  He didn't.  I guess he thought there was always time.  There isn't.  I follow a woman on Facebook, Nourish You Sisterhood. She has "words" of the year.  This year my word is "health".  It was a mistake on my part to not take care of myself.  Now in some parts of my life, I was doing good just to keep going, let alone be healthy.  But some parts I was just lazy.  Next year my word will be "adventure".  I don't want to be sitting in a nursing home with feet and hands that no longer work and know that I can't go see "the mountain with the heads on it."  It is one of the saddest things I can think of.  Next year I am taking my new sized butt and taking a few trips.  Usually we drive, cuz: one- it's cheaper, and two- I am deathly afraid of being kicked off of a plane.  That means trips are either kinda boring, since I live in the Midwest; or long.  I want to be able to fly to New York in three hours rather than take 2 days to drive there.  I want to go on hikes in the desert or mountains and not be totally exhausted.  I want to take my journey on the road.  My other mistakes are pretty much, "eh, shouldn'ta done that." Run ins with the law, failed marriages, running my mouth when I shouldn't have.  But the failure to take care of myself could cost me my life.  And I can't brush that off.

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