Monday, September 24, 2018

Weekend of Gratitude

More Gratitude.  Well, this was weekend was full of things to be thankful for.  Starting off, my Fall goal is to get up-to-date on all of my medical check-ups.  So I am in the process of doing all of that.  Seems to get rather involved when you don't do it often, if at all.  So, Saturday I did my labs.   I am thankful that that is on it's way to getting done.  I traveled (safely) to Olpe and watched my niece play in a volleyball tournament.  I am grateful I got to see that and visit with family members as well.  I am thankful that she won the two games that I saw and that no one was injured on any of the teams.  I am thankful that my youngest daughter was able to have her best friend come over Saturday night and that they had a good time.  We went to the Renaissance Fair in KC on Sunday.  I am thankful that it was a nice day, that it wasn't crazy crowded, and that we had a good time.  I am grateful that my husband did a minimal amount of complaining.  I am grateful that we got back a little early so that we could all rest and get a few things done around the house: laundry & mowing.  Normally I have a wellness/health plan each day that I make up the night before.  Since the weekend was so busy, I did a bundle.  I  had an agenda for the weekend and could do any of the items at anytime on the weekend.  I got quite a bit accomplished.  I am thankful for that as well.  I am grateful for the changing seasons.  The humming birds have all left and my spring flowers are barely there, but my mums are pretty and the weather is wonderful!  What a life!

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