Wednesday, September 19, 2018

In this very room

What am I grateful for in this room?  Well, I am sitting at a computer on the internet.  I am very grateful for that.  I am next to a glass of clear, clean water.  In many parts of the world, including America, they do not have access, so I am grateful.  On the counter is a baby bottle with change in it for the Life Care Center and a mug with pop tabs in it.  I am grateful for the people in both of those organizations as well as the people who have been putting the change and tabs in there.  I see pictures of four of my kids and my husband.  I am thankful for all them in my life.  I have an AC going in the room.  Can you imagine being in a metal building at 95 degrees with no AC?  There are many more things in here, but I will leave it at that. 

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