Sunday, October 14, 2018

Day Three

1. Galatians 1:11-24 is Paul's story.
2. That man who once persecuted us is now preaching the very message he used to try to destroy.  Their response was to recognize and worship God because of me.

Tomorrow I am supposed to take an eating disorder test, but I already took it on day one.  The test was pretty astonished at my results.  It appears I touch on just about all of them.  I don't have night time eating.  I also don't have bulimia.  Anymore.  I didn't think I had anorexia, but apparently the thing I do where I try to make up for bingeing is a type of anorexia.  I would say I am mostly a emotional binge eater.  I didn't have control over anything growing up.  My dad has OCD and he pretty much controlled everything.  So when I grew up, I wanted to take my control and in turn, did the same thing.  Except eating.  It was something I was always free at.  Except not really.  What I was considering freedom was more control over me.  I need to let the release the grip of a lot of the rest of my life and control the eating.  Hmmm, yeah, I should do that.

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