Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Hurdles

What are my mental and emotional hurdles that I have been going through?  Well.....I have doing a lot of soul searching in the last few months.  Along with my physical health I felt the need to become healthy mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Which meant coming to deal with a lot of stuff in the past.  Most of which I feel I have come to terms with as of late.  I also felt the need to place it to the side for a bit.  Let it rest.  However, yesterday I received a call from my lawyer about going over the papers for our will.  We saw him in June and as most know, we had the summer from hell.  This unstable state was being had during the time the original papers were being drawn up for the will.  I thought I had put it to rest when he "came to", but as I keep reading I keep having flash backs to his behavior as well as all of the trauma of the summer.  It has become difficult to read the papers (and not just because they are in attorney speak).  I'm thinking maybe I am not ready to read and rehash.  I may need to take this in baby steps. 

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