1. permanent memorial to for the People of Israel.
2. The flow of the Jordan was stopped in it's tracks.
Born to teenage parents in a small town in Kansas. About three years later moved to a farm house owned by my grandfather. Wonderful home to grow up in. Grew up a an extremely strict environment which left me unable to make decisions. Went to college and became a prime target for the much more experienced. God looked out for me then. No lasting effects. Married poorly in early twenties and had two children. Divorced while pregnant with the second. Husband completely abandoned all financial responsibility. God looked out for me then. Though was in poverty, maintained all means of reasonable life. Married again and had terminally ill child. God looked out for me then. Child miraculously lived and is healthy though still has illness. Though I have made some terrible decisions and have not done all that I knew was right, God has been there to shield me when needed.
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