Saturday, October 6, 2018

theme vs passion

Lately I have been passionate about my health and it has morphed into being passionate about changing my life for the better.  Sometimes I wonder if I am changing everything I am, but I think I am becoming who I am.  All of this stuff was pretty much there all along.  I am just now acting on it.  Now, I don't really like to watch what I eat, but I am not changing too much really.  Just eating less of it or a light version.  I don't mind exercising, but I am discovering new types, like interval and ti chi.  There are a few things I have dabbled in that might go against my religion lately, and I have since decided that they are crap.  But I can see where psychologically they would help someone who did believe.  Like crystals (personally I think they are just pretty rocks) and that one thing where there is an informational highway running over your head with all the info from past lives. Yeah, I don't believe that. There are a couple of things I sorta believe.  Like Chakras.  I think that that area of the body does do that kinda and that eating certain foods help that area.  I also believe in archangels, but I don't think that Raphael is going to help me with my creativity.  Right now I am all about making myself healthier, happier, at peace, and healing from the past.  I do not think I can make a living at it. 

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