Tuesday, October 16, 2018

dream goal

My comfortable goal is to "be healthy".  I have several goals that are attached to that.  One being to get all medical health check-ups updated and deal with results.  Check.  All that is left is eye doctor and I am due for that in December.  That was to be done by the New Year.  Second is lose 75 pounds in one year.  I have lost almost 40 in 7 months.  Scheduled due date has been moved to June 1.  I may have overestimated that one.  Another is to connect more with my husband, become closer to my God, overcome PTSD and anxiety and all the while actually learn to enjoy life and be happy.  Those are more vague goals.  Not really sure how to measure enjoyment.  Anyway, one thing I would like to do is run the 5K (they do two heart runs in KC).  They are both in June.  I would like to be able to run one of them.  Now, anyone who is 45 and had three kids knows that running is usually not a good idea (think wet pants) but I would like to be able to.  I need to loose the weight by the goal date and then really step up the fitness routine.  I will think more on that later.

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