Monday, July 23, 2018

Kinder, Gentler, me

What is one thing I could do today that would make a quieter and gentler me?  Well, I would need plenty of time alone.  When I get busy and stressed, when people keep demanding from me is when I get mean and loud.  I tend to be quiet when I get some quiet.  I can be gentle when I have time to step away from the demands.  My job, however, is taking calls from people whose ACs are broken and placing a technician to see them.  Which means I get all of the hot and mad people calling me and if things don't work out perfectly, they call again.  Hotter and Madder.  It can be a pretty stressful job.  Luckily, it has been cool (low 90s) lately.  But, the other office woman is on vacation and it is Monday.  So today might be a doozy.  I plan to meditate now and at lunch take a walk around the block.  I also plan to eat outside, away from the phone.  These little breaks should, hopefully, keep me calm. 

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